Sunday, July 12, 2015

Scallops with Creamy Braised Leeks

So, something very exciting happened last week. After working second shift for over two years, I finally got the opportunity to switch to first shift! I know it's going to absolutely shock my parents to hear this, but I'm actually much more of a morning person. When I was a teenager, I could sleep til 1:00 pm with the best of 'em. But working as a barista in college really converted me to be an early riser. Those late night second shift hours were really starting to wear on me, so this has been a life change that I'm embracing whole-heartedly.

One of the perks of my new schedule is that it is much more conducive to joining a CSA. We picked up our second box of fresh local produce this week, which included leeks. This is a veggie I had never eaten, let alone cooked. So I reached for my trusty rusty Healthy Slow Cooker Revolution book, and whadya know, they had a couple recipes for leeks. Of course. The one that caught my eye involved scallops, one of my most favorite foods ever, and called for some white wine. So I knew that along with a side salad, it would be perfect for a nice, easy Saturday night dinner with the hubs, and it was. Everything was really simple to throw together, and the two-hour cook time was a perfect opportunity for me to get started on the Portuguese Baked Eggs that I was serving for family brunch the next morning.

This delicate dish has a taste that is reminiscent of a light clam chowder, making it great year round. Ok, here ya go!

First, slice up your leeks and mince your garlic. The leeks we received were pretty small, like the size of a green onion. We also only got about half a pound, so I had to improvise a bit. I grabbed another full-size leek from the grocery store, which weighed about half a pound, so I then had the full pound of leeks. I left the small leeks intact and thinly sliced them. I sliced the big one into quarters lengthwise, then thin slices, so everything would be about the same size. This ensured even cooking. Once you have the whites and light green parts sliced, you can save the green tops in the freezer to make stock.

Then add your leeks and garlic to a microwave-safe bowl, and nuke it until everything is softened. Dump it into your slow cooker, and stir in your wine (I used sauvignon blanc) and cream. Cook on low for two to three hours, until the leeks are tender.

Once the leeks are tender, but not mushy, season your scallops with salt and pepper, then add to your slow cooker. The recipe calls for sea scallops, but I used bay scallops, which are much smaller. Scallops are a bit pricey, and I didn't want to shell out for sea scallops (haha, get it??), which are more expensive at my grocery store. Since I knew they'd be getting cooked in a sauce anyway, I was less concerned with quality of taste and just got some frozen bay scallops, which ended up saving me about $10 compared to the fresh sea scallops at the meat counter. I knew that I'd have to cut the cooking time of the bay scallops about in half, since they are so much smaller. So if you go a similar route, make sure you start checking your thawed, seasoned scallops after about 15 minutes. Once they are done cooking, stir the cheese into the sauce and add salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with parsley, and enjoy!

Make it work for you
Much like Poached Salmon with Creamy Cucumber Dill Salad, this dish can easily fit into anyone's busy schedule. It is best eaten the day it's made. With little prep and a short slow cooking time, it can be done on a weekday or on a night off. The two-hour cook time gives you ample opportunity to do dishes, clean, prepare a make-ahead meal, or veg out and watch tv or read. The scallops elevate the dish, making it ideal for a relaxing celebratory dinner or date night.

Scallops with Creamy Braised Leeks

1 pound leeks, white and light green parts only, halved lengthwise, sliced thin, and washed thoroughly
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup dry white wine
1 1/2 pounds large sea scallops, tendons removed
Salt and pepper
1/4 cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

1. Microwave leeks, garlic, and oil in bowl, stirring occasionally, until leeks are softened, about 5 minutes; transfer to slow cooker. Stir in cream and wine. Cover and cook until leeks are tender but not mushy, 2 to 3 hours on low.
2. Season scallops with salt and pepper and nestle into slow cooker. Spoon portion of sauce over scallops. Cover and cook until sides of scallops are firm and centers are opaque, 30 to 40 minutes.
3. Transfer scallops to serving platter. Stir Pecorino into sauce and season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour sauce over scallops and sprinkle with parsley. Serve.


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