Sunday, June 7, 2015

Welcome to my new online space!

As an allied health care worker, I've had my fair share of weird schedules. I've worked first, second and third shift, and I am here to tell you, it can be very difficult to live a healthy lifestyle when you're sleeping all day, or getting home at 2:00 am, or leaving for work at 6:00 am. I've noticed that the vast majority of healthy cooking and workout advice is tailored to people with nice, normal 9-5 schedules. There is an utter lack of support for us shift workers, and I hope I can help fill the void. I've tried lots of different ways to keep our kitchen stocked with nourishing homemade food and avoid processed junk. I've had some successes and many failures. In fact, I've had periods where I just thought it was too hard and gave up for awhile. And yes, it is a lot of work, but the payoff is worth it, for sure.

Here is where I will share my failures and successes with you, even if you're lucky enough to have one of those nice, normal 9-5 schedules. Anyone can adapt the tips I've discovered over the last few years to fit their busy lives with a little creative thinking.

I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. I'm here to help you make the wheel work for you.

Please stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Although this venture should not come as a surprise to the woman who passed down two of her passions to me: cooking and writing. I can't wait to see where this creative outlet takes me :)
