Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Oil Cleansing Method

So today I thought I'd talk about something a little different, but still vaguely kitchen-related: The Oil Cleansing Method (OCM). This is a way of cleaning my face that I started to do about two months ago, and I don't know if I'll ever go back to using conventional cleansers on a daily basis. First, a little background...

Growing up, my skin was pretty easy to take care of. I got the occasional pimple as a teenager (two days before a formal dance, like teenage-angst-inducing clockwork), but fortunately I never struggled with acne. So I didn't give much thought to my skin-care regimen. Then, a few years ago (in my mid-twenties), my skin suddenly got SUPER sensitive. Like, the skin around my eyes was constantly red, rashy, and swollen. I had to completely stop using all the cheap drug-store cosmetics, cleansers, and moisturizers that I had relied on for so many years, and start experimenting with more high-quality and expensive items. After a few years (yes, years) and numerous different products, I finally got the redness and swelling under control, but I would still get dry patches under my eyes and on my cheeks. Some days they would be irritated and hurt, and I always ended the day with my skin flaking off, but I kinda just lived with it. Fortunately, I stumbled upon the OCM on Pinterest (isn't Pinterest amazing?!) and decided to give it a shot.

Now, there are tons of good blogs already devoted to the OCM, so I don't feel the need to rehash the process and the benefits here. Mainly, I want to just testify to its effectiveness and tell you how I successfully came up with the best blend for me. When I first started using the OCM, I had no intention of starting a blog, so I didn't take before and after pictures. I am kicking myself for that now. I just wish you all could see the difference in my skin. It's really amazing, especially after all that I've been through trying to get it back to normal. So, if you want to know more about the OCM, go here and here. Go ahead, I'll wait til you get back....

Ok, so now that you know why the OCM is amazing and how to do it, I'm going to let you know how I figured out what works for me. First off, I used the blogs referenced above to decide which carrier oils to use. Since my skin is dry with a normal T-zone, I needed a combination that would moisturize, but not clog my pores with excess oil. So I went with castor, jojoba, and avocado oils. I initially bought the smallest size I could in all three varieties at Sprouts, just in case it didn't work out. This is less economically effective, but I figured I'd be wasting less if I didn't want to continue using the OCM.


I gave myself about two weeks to experiment with different proportions of oils. So to start with, I used the recommended ratio of 10% castor oil and split my two carrier oils (40% avocado and 40% jojoba). During this time, I simply eyeballed each portion and poured them into a shot glass, mixed, and used. I just did enough for one use at a time. Luckily, the 10%:40%:40% ratio worked for me, so I didn't need to do any adjusting. After two weeks, I knew that I loved the OCM and I found the ratio of oils that worked for me. But I wanted to add a little more oomph to my mix. So I used this chart to find an essential oil that would be even more beneficial to my skin. I decided on Geranium oil, and ordered some from Young Living. If you decide to add some essential oil(s) to your blend, this is where the sticker shock may come in. However, Young Living is one of the purest essential oils on the market, and there are ways that the OCM actually saves you money, which I'll discuss later.

Once I received my Geranium oil, I first put a drop on the inside of my elbow before bed, to make sure I didn't have a reaction overnight. Then I did the same on my neck the next night. This let me know that I probably wasn't sensitive to this oil, so I started adding one drop of it to my shot glass mixture. I did this for a week, to make sure I liked the combination and that the skin on my face wouldn't react to it. At that point, I was finally ready to commit to mixing up a batch. I had an empty 3 oz squeeze bottle from a package of travel-sized cosmetic bottles I bought at Target awhile back. So now I just eyeball the 10% caster + 40% jojoba + 40% avocado oils, and leave a little room at the top of the bottle for the Geranium oil. I add 12 drops of that and gently mix everything up.

Alright, let's talk about why I think the OCM is so amazing and that you should try it.
  • My skin feels awesome. It also looks awesome. It's moisturized and dewey and looks young and fresh and some days I think I look like I have way more energy than I actually do. Isn't that what we go to the store and/or dermatologist and pay a bunch of money for, ultimately? I still wash my face with a gentle cleanser (Dove unscented bar soup for sensitive skin) two nights a week and I can't believe how raw my face feels afterward. I didn't even realize how much of the natural protection and nourishment I was stripping off with conventional cleansers, even relatively gentle ones, every night.
  • On the nights that I use the OCM, I don't even need a moisturizer. I use eye cream and that's it. I also don't need to use a separate eye make-up remover. Those are the two major ways that the OCM saves me money.
  • Since my skin is so much more nourished, it's much less reactive to the cosmetics that I use. So when I put moisturizer on in the morning before make-up, I'm actually able to use a less-expensive brand (CeraVe) than I was relying on previously (which still didn't work nearly as well).
  • I can customize the types of oils and their ratios to what works best for me and my skin, which is something that you just can't do with cleansers and moisturizers from the store. Therefore, you're not wasting money on products that don't work for you and you don't have to deal with the hassle of trying to return something you don't love.
  • The process feels like a mini trip to the spa. Who doesn't love going to the spa?! It's a relaxing way to end your day and let you body know it's almost time for bed.
  • The OCM totally lines up with my food philosophy. I know exactly what I'm putting in it and what's going on my skin. This is exactly why I opt to cook at home so much, rather than rely on processed food. So of course it's a natural fit.

Feel free to use the process I described here and give the Oil Cleansing Method a shot. I hope you love it as much as I do. I would love to hear about your experiences in the comments section!

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