Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hello from CO!

Well now. In my last post I was embarrassed that I hadn't posted in almost two months... over six months later, here I am again! I have an excuse, I swear! My husband and I relocated to BEAUTIFUL Northern Colorado and I couldn't be happier about it! I was offered a job at an area hospital lab in the Transfusion Services department, and something was telling me that I just had to go for it. And I am SO glad we did!

In the meantime, we've been living in a furnished one-bedroom apartment with, like, half a kitchen. Hence the complete lack of posts here. I would like to say that I've been doing the best I can with what I was provided, and that's probably mostly true. But we've been eating way more processed food than we were used to and it's starting to show, heh, and we can definitely feel it. But luckily! We close on our new house in less than two days! We can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives, and I most certainly can't wait to bust all my wonderful kitchen supplies out of their storage locker prison and get back to some healthful, wholesome, homemade meals.

Which brings me to my next point. As we adapt to single-family-home-ownership over the next few months, I think I will be taking this li'l blog o' mine in a little bit of a new direction for awhile. Basically, I'll probably be too distracted by household projects to delve into new recipes much. So I think I will start to incorporate more "lifestyle" into what I write about: cleaning, decorating, gardening, etc., so you can follow along with what we discover along the way. Plus everybody loves learning about cleaning tips and decorating ideas, right? Or is that just me?

Like I said, we are so excited for this new leg in our journey (including Tilly the cat -- she can't wait for more territory to rule over), and I truly hope you'll stay tuned and join me on it. And if you have any advice regarding moving into a new-to-you home, please leave it in the comments -- I'm sure we need all the help we can get! Thanks, and have a beautiful day!

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